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About the company

Welcome to Wehab, the intersection of holistic wellbeing and evidence-based sports rehabilitation. By combining ultramodern therapies like micro and macro currents with Surface EMG diagnostic technology, our innovative approach raises the bar for clinical care. With customized programmers, specialized services meet specific needs for women’s health, athletes, and senior citizens. Wehab is dedicated to holistic healing and injury prevention, from empowering women with customized strength training programmed to making sure athletes perform at their best and helping senior citizens keep active lifestyles. You can rely on us to work with you to achieve the best possible physical and emotional wellness. 


  • Limited online visibility: Wehab lacked a cohesive digital strategy to effectively reach and engage its target audience. 
  • Brand awareness: Wahab found it difficult to set itself apart from rivals in the local market even though it provided innovative therapies and specialized services. 
  • Engagement and conversion: Turning internet users into leads and, eventually, Wehab’s customers was the difficult part. 


Website Design and Development 

Wehab’s website was designed by Brandgenz with an emphasis on mobile friendliness and user experience. They designed an eye-catching arrangement that highlighted Wahab’s special offerings, knowledge, and client endorsements. 


Social Media Marketing 

Using Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other channels, Brandgenz created a thorough social media strategy for Wehab with the goal of raising engagement and brand recognition. To build community and trust among followers, they carefully selected interesting content, such as how-to articles, success stories, and exclusive offers. 



Brandgenz created eye-catching visual content, such as infographics, movies, and graphics, to effectively convey Wehab’s value proposition. This content resonated with the target demographic by highlighting Wehab’s unique therapies, skilled team, and dedication to holistic wellness. 


Google Ads Campaigns

Brandgenz launched targeted Google Ads campaigns to increase Wehab’s visibility in search engine results and drive qualified leads to the website. They perfected ad copy, keywords, and bidding strategies to maximize ROI and conversion rates. 

               Bringing it All Together 

Wehab effectively improved its online presence, raised brand recognition, and drew in a larger pool of prospective customers by collaborating with Brandgenz. Wehab consolidated its position as a pioneer in evidence-based sports rehabilitation and holistic health in Hyderabad with the use of smart website design, social media marketing, innovative content development, and Google Ads campaigns.

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